We had presentations on development stories of the four different regional RENCOPs established and managed in Co2mmunity project. Also, future-oriented discussions blossomed, and agreements were achieved. A draft of the Co2mmunity RENCOP ROADMAP was presented.
The detailed programme of the meeting is presented in Figure below:
13 experts representing 11 organisations participated in Co2mmunity Finnish RENCOP meeting:
Green Net Finland, Thermopolis Oy, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Utuapu Oy, Veljekset Ala-Talkkari Oy, The Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia, Original Energy Finland Oy, Leader Aisapari ry, City of Vantaa, Tartu Regional Energy Agency/TREA, Estonia, Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden. Composition of participants by stakeholder type of Co2mmunity project is presented in the Figure below.
On the meeting it was agreed:
- On collaboration between Co2mmunity Helsinki-Uusimaa RENCOP, a new project supported by Finnish Ministry of Environment and lead by City of Vantaa’s called Club of Housing Companies (original name in Finnish – Taloyhtiöklubi and link: https://www.vantaa.fi/taloyhtioklubi ) and an “old” project Energy Wised Housing Companies (origin name in Finnish – Energiaviisat taloyhtiöt). The common matter for all three projects is their focus on renewable community energy for aging block of flats building in Great Helsinki area (incl. Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo).
- To sign collaboration agreement between RENCOPs from three areas – Helsinki-Uusimaa (Green Net Finland manager), South Ostrobothnia (Thermopolis Oy manager) and Estonia (TREA manager). Initiator of the agreement is TREA.
- To have a meeting between Thermopolis and Green Net Finland in August on possibilities to continue collaboration on Community Energy matter also after the Co2mmunity. The preliminary topic suggested by Thermopolis and supported by Green Net Finland was two-way district heating.
Final Co2mmunity activities within Helsinki-Uusimaa RENCOP
Co2mmunity project will come to an end in September 2020. But we still have a lot to do and lots of energy and passion left to do it. The final meeting of the Helsinki-Uusimaa RENCOP is planned for the end of September. In summertime we plan to start compiling and summarizing the main findings, lessons learned and other practical matters into one online publication (in Finnish). We hope that the publication will help average citizens to understand benefits of community energy and help making decisions on investments into renewable energy hybrid systems.