Monthly Archives: March 2021

5CBC NEWSLETTER 1 – Events and other collaboration and exchange between five South-East Finland-Russia cross-border collaboration projects

5 CBC NEWLETTER 1 Five projects of the South-East Finland-Russia cross-border collaboration programme (Cata3Pult, BBC1, Cool4City, LALAPETE and CroBoDDit) formed unformal collaboration & communication group Kick-off meeting of the group was held on 18.3. The main objective of this group is information exchange and collaboration on events, publications and visibility & communication activities. [...]

5CBC NEWSLETTER 1 – Events and other collaboration and exchange between five South-East Finland-Russia cross-border collaboration projects2021-06-01T12:21:54+03:00

Energize Co2mmunity project pilot at Husulanmäki

Energize Co2mmunity - Real-life implementation of renewable community energy projects (Interreg Baltic Sea Region-program) Finnish pilot at Lapinjärvi Husulanmäki is developing best suitable warming system for community living in.   In the Husulanmäki pilot, Green Net Finland and Aalto University have decided to take a closer look at a few renewable heating solutions: normal geothermal [...]

Energize Co2mmunity project pilot at Husulanmäki2021-07-06T11:26:44+03:00
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