Cata3Pult Meeting in Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Myyrmäki campus in Vantaa on 3.12.2019.
- Student innovation projects
- Presentation of Metropolia UAS on ideas of topics for Cata3Pult Innovation projects, Esa Toukoniity
- Presentation of ITMO University on interests toward collaboration between ITMO and Metropolia, Olga Sergienko
- Discussions and preliminary conclusions on collaboration under activity 3.2 Student Innovation projects (Participants in addition to above: Antti Tohka – Metropolia UAS; Terhi Jantunen – City of Lappeenranta; Evilina Lutfi – Green Net Finland; Evgenia Koroleva and Anna Prokofyeva – KOSMOS Ltd.)
- Site-visit to Business Avenue of Metropolia Myyrmäki campus
- Carbon footprint calculator for people
- D-mat Ltd., Michael Lettenmeir
- SustainOnline Oy, Yusif Salam-zade
- Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Ari Nissinen
We discuss about innovation projects:
We are listening presentations of Metropolia and ITMO:
We are visiting Business Avenue:
We are following presentation of D-Mat Ltd.:

We are following presentation of SustainOnline Oy:
We are following presentation of SYKE (and calculating own carbon foot print!):
The main outlines from the meeting:
Innovation projects of Metropolia UAS:
are based on real life challenges, which come mainly from enterprises. In the innovation projects are highlighted multidisciplinary approach. For example, students from tech are combined with students from environmental and healthcare or arts or business education lines. Company-customer is usually guiding students and interact frequently. Projects could be 2-3 month or 6 month long. Composition and amount of students in each project varies – 4-6-8 people. Learning content and behaving learning how to work in group are also under attention. Students are preparing reports on results of the project and present them to company-customer. Usually, innovation projects are involving the 3rd year students. Those projects are seeing to be a path to working life for students. Normally, 10 credits or about 270 hours are volume of the projects.
ITMO University’s projects:
covering mainly food processing companies. Environmental reporting is a part of management systems of companies. Implementation model differs from for example Metropolia’s model. For example, 3 different students one-by-one comes to the same company, collect data, analyse it and then analyses are compared. The student works with 2 type of staff in company – with environmental and energy expert.
D-Mat Ltd:
Small enterprise of 5 people, which make people enthusiastic about active towards sustainable future. Carbon foot calculators for SITRA (Finnish Innovation Fund). Project in 7 countries for households. Global Footprint Network. Footprint calculation, started from 150 people. Ecological backpack: used millions time. For SITRA: resource wise citizens; web-site; 100 smart ways. SITRA calculator: (How to compensate?) (Russian version includes 6 questions, international statistics behind); (extended to private households) – for citizens. 100 actions from SITRA lifestyle; My Carbon Action. Based on money used (for car, bank account)
SustainOnline Oy:
Why carbon calculators? – concrete way to measure progress, more legislative pressures. How? – existing online tools, mobile apps, excel, google sheets. Different types: scale. User needs – what are used for? Relationships between Co2 and turnover! Kotihiili: in Kalasatama (Helsinki), 17 persons fill their consumptions. Hiilipörssi: compensation (for companies). Understanding Co2 calculations: change – progress is important, not number itself; you need a base to compare; choosing of right methodology! Boundary is important. Data quality! Emission factors -> open database? Which one is correct? Open database is key factor. SustainOnline tool (not public yet). Footprinter. Number itself does not matter. Direction is!
Finnish Environmental Centre SYKE:
- Climate diet: Calculate your carbon footprint and start a climate diet! Citizens’ tool for assessing the carbon footprint of their household consumption. The tool can be used to calculate one’s annual carbon footprint from housing, mobility, food, waste and other consumption. Includes links to .pdf files on How is the carbon footprint calculated in the Climate diet tool?
Basic version: Very quick, average family. Latest version: 14 March 2019 (previous versions: 13 October 2017; 31 May 2016; 20 December 2012 and 23 April 2010). The first version of the service was published with the Finnish Broadcasting Company, Yle, in 2010. .