Green Net Finland designed and hosted a part of the programme within Helsinki region on 6 September 2019. We are started a day with an interactive Mini-seminar in GNF’s office. Topics were: The Carbon-neutral Helsinki 2035 Action Plan (presented by Mira Jarkko, City of Helsinki), Green Net Finland network and on-going development projects (presented by Ilkka Aaltio) and Helsinki Business Hub’s cleantech activities and InvestIn cases (presented by Maria Hartikainen)
The second part of the day was dedicated to site visits to member organisations of GNF, which were: Vantaan Energia Waste-to-Energy plant, HSY Sortti Station Ruskeasanta and Myyrmäki Campus of University of Applied Science
Site visit to HSY included presentation on overview on energy, waste, water management in Helsinki region – collaboration of Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority HSY, Cities of Helsinki and Vantaa and their energy companies.
Site visit to Metropolia UAS included presentation of Innovation Hubs related to the circular economy and green technology, and how Metropolia works with companies. We also visited an Urban Farm Lab located in the Campus.
Our day in Helsinki region was finalized by sum-up and conclusions meeting, also hosted by Green Net Finland. Below are some pictures from the study visit.