ASIA-CLEAN project (’ASIA-CLEAN – access & success in Northeastern Asia cleantech markets’) boosts new exports of cleantech and environmental technology products and services from Finland and Estonia to North and East China Malaysia.
ASIA-CLEAN arranged a get-together for interested companies on 16th of January. During the day ten participating companies pitched their products and services, got a chance to know each other and were provided practical information about how to enter the Northeastern Asia cleantech market.
Innovative participating companies from the field of energy efficiency, energy recovery and smart solutions were introduced to each other. There is clearly a need for promoting exports to Asian markets.

After interesting pitches about the companies’ cleantech solutions the Managing director Ilkka Aaltio from Green Net Finland – the lead partner in the project – gave an overview about the targets and plans of the ASIA-CLEAN project.
Senior advisor Tero Karhi from Turku Science Park gave the participants guidelines for internationalization followed by a presentation about the different market entry strategies and how to choose the right one. He underlined the need to think thoroughly through what customer problem the company can solve.
CJ Studios introduced the target areas in China: Tianjin and Jinan/Shandong. Solutions for cleaner air but also for cleaner water are needed in both areas. In another presentation provided by CJ Studios some light was shed on the business culture in China – what to expect especially from the perspective of European companies. The main common nominator in both cultures is the importance of trust in developing business together. And today, you simply do not exist in China without having a profile in multifunctional WeChat-platform.
In an overview of Malaysia – provided by Ragmar Saksing from Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol Ltd. – we learned that the primary energy production in the country is dominated by oil and natural gas. An interesting fact is that despite this domestic energy production profile, Malaysia is an international manufacturing centre for solar energy equipment for export. Jari Niemi from Nordic House Sdn Bhd. supplemented companies’ knowledge about Malaysia e.g. with information about the most relevant cleantech congresses in the coming year.
The next step in the project is to open the connections to the target markets and start promoting the companies. In scheduling the trips the instructions given by the health authorities will be followed.
In addition, the companies are provided with individual coaching by the project.
For more information about the ASIA-CLEAN project, please visit and or contact one of the partners:
- Managing director Ilkka Aaltio, Green Net Finland,, +358 50 551 3633
- GreenTech sector manager Ragmar Saksing, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol Ltd.,, +372 52 542 65
- Senior advisor Tero Karhi, Turku Science Park Ltd.,, +358 40 536 1344.
ASIA-CLEAN project is funded by Central Baltic program of the European Union.