
Green Net Finland will participate in the XVI All-Russia Forum Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia

Green Net Finland will participate in the XVI All-Russia Forum Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia by representing the BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE and to discuss the new initiative Russian NTI GreenNet. The Forum’s mission is to promote sustainable socio-economic development of regions and cities of Russia by supporting public dialog [...]

Green Net Finland will participate in the XVI All-Russia Forum Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia2021-06-01T12:22:10+03:00

Initiative on establishing of Russian GreenNet NTI launched on Russian-Finnish Partneriat in Helsinki

Green Net Finland (Finnish cleantech cluster of Helsinki-Uusimaa region)  and "St. Petersburg City Homeowners Association” (managing company of St.Petersburg cleantech cluster for urban environment) signed a Memorandum of understanding on supporting the establishment of Russian National Technological Initiative GreenNet on 10 October 2017 in the frame of Russian-Finnish SME Parneriat in Helsinki. On the [...]

Initiative on establishing of Russian GreenNet NTI launched on Russian-Finnish Partneriat in Helsinki2021-06-01T12:22:10+03:00

Russian-Finnish Partneriat for Small and Medium Business, 10 October 2017, Helsinki, Teknologia 2017 Exhibition

The III Russian-Finnish Partneriat for SMEs will be held in Helsinki on 10.10.2017 in the frame of Teknologia 2017 Exhibition. The organizer of Partneriat is the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg which is supported by the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Finland and the Regional Integrated Center – Saint-Petersburg. The strategic goal [...]

Russian-Finnish Partneriat for Small and Medium Business, 10 October 2017, Helsinki, Teknologia 2017 Exhibition2021-06-01T12:22:10+03:00

BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE on St.Petersburg International Innovation Forum

  Green Net Finland presented BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE on St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum. The session Green Net Finland gave presentation in was organized in collaboration with Non-commercial partnership "City Homeowners Association" (St.Petersburg), Saint-Petersburg cleantech Cluster for urban environment and BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE: Finnish Water Forum, Green Net Finland and Cleantech Latvia. In [...]

BALTIC CLEANTECH ALLIANCE on St.Petersburg International Innovation Forum2021-06-01T12:22:13+03:00

Co2mmunity project website launched

Green Net Finland is a part of a consortium implementing new European INTERREG BSR funded development project "Co2mmunity". The project website is now launched at What is community energy? Community energy (CE) projects offer enhanced production of renewable energies (RE) from local sources (wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, geothermal) through active participation of local communities. [...]

Co2mmunity project website launched2021-06-01T12:22:13+03:00

GNF’s two new projects selected to further boost Baltic Sea region

Green Net Finland is a partner in two project consortiums winning funding from the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme. The programme's Monitoring Committee met in Helsinki on 23-24 May 2017 to select project applications that will receive funding. As many as 39 projects were chosen in the thematic fields of capacity for innovation, [...]

GNF’s two new projects selected to further boost Baltic Sea region2021-06-01T12:22:13+03:00

Green Net Finland and St.Petersburg Cleantech Cluster on FTR Forum in Lappeenranta on 17.5.2017

Green Net Finland and St.Petersburg cleantech cluster for urban environment took part into the Panel discussion "China-Europe-Russia" of  FTR Forum in Lappeenranta on 17.5.2017. They presented Baltic Cleantech Alliance (CB2East project) and St.Petersburg cleantech cluster for urban environment (SPbCC) as examples of succesful and active platforms for public-private partnerships and transnational cleantech collaboration between [...]

Green Net Finland and St.Petersburg Cleantech Cluster on FTR Forum in Lappeenranta on 17.5.20172021-06-01T12:22:14+03:00

Clean & Healthy Urban Environment for Citizens Seminar @ Astana World Expo

Green Net Finland, Finnish Water Forum and Helsinki Business Hub invite you to a seminar on Clean & Healthy Urban Environment for Citizens on 13 June 2017 at Astana World Expo, Finnish pavilion. PROGRAM 09:30-10:00 Registration and coffee 10:00-10:10 Mr. Ilkka Räisänen, Ambassador of the Embassy of Finland in Kazakhstan 10:10-10:25 The Ministry [...]

Clean & Healthy Urban Environment for Citizens Seminar @ Astana World Expo2021-06-01T12:22:14+03:00

Green Net Finland’s new board for 2017 elected

Green Net Finland's annual autumn meeting, held 24 November 2016 elected a new board for year 2017. The members of the association confirmed that the board members for 2017 are: Jarmo Kontro, Eneron Oy, chairman (deputy member Mikael Rydström) Kimmo Viljamaa, City of Vantaa, vice chairman (deputy member Jose Valanta) Timo Tiainen, Ouman Oy (deputy member Matti [...]

Green Net Finland’s new board for 2017 elected2021-06-01T12:22:14+03:00

Welcome to our new website!

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new website! After several years of faithful service, we thought it was finally time to retire the old site and replace it with a modern and more advanced website. So what’s new? The whole visual identity of our organisation is new. We've used the acronym "GNF" for [...]

Welcome to our new website!2021-06-01T12:22:15+03:00
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