GNF has become a member of the ECCP-platform
GNF is a partner in the Green Tech 2.0 project, where the main objective is to improve the cluster management quality, develop new services for the project member clusters and increase international collaboration by [...]
GNF received the award: Cluster Management Excellence Label BRONZE – Striving for Cluster Excellence
GNF was awarded the European Cluster Management Excellence – BRONZE label! Green Net Finland is a cluster of the responsible environmental goods and services sector. Last year GNF was approved as a cluster registered [...]
GreenTech 2.0-project has started!
The co-operation project GreenTech 2.0 of five clusters operating in the Baltic Sea region has started! In addition to Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland are involved in the project. The three main tasks [...]
4 CBC NEWSLETTER 8 – 31st Jan 2022
The eight meeting of collaboration & communication group of the four (previously five) South-East Finland-Russia cross-border collaboration programme projects was held on 28.1.2022 Please find in our newsletter 8 below information about upcoming events, [...]
25.1.2022 Press release: Public-Private Partnership – cluster of clusters Green Net Alliance collaboration
Press release 25.1.2022_Public-private cluster of clusters Green Net Alliance collaboration
Holistic approach in Business Cases Development by Cata3Pult
The Cata3Pult project has a goal to develop overall six business cases in the following substantial focuses: Improving the energy and eco-efficiency of the private housing stock of St. Petersburg by reducing the [...]