GNF is a partner in the Green Tech 2.0 project, where the main objective is to improve the cluster management quality, develop new services for the project member clusters and increase international collaboration by arranging cluster exchange visits in a ClusterXchange program. The purpose of the visits is to develop and innovate new opportunities for the participating organizations.
Visitors can be representatives of a different types of organisations, such as SMEs, educational organisations, R&D organisations and public organisations, particularly members of clusters listed at the European Cluster Collaboration Platorm ECCP (e.g. GNF). The ECCP is a EU-wide interactive network of industrial and regional clusters. GNF was accepted as a member of ECCP last year.
The ClusterXchange visits will be organised in autumn 2022 and during 2023 and the project will end in January 2024. The visits are 3-day long and a visitor can get to know selected Host Organisations at the target area of the visit. The ClusterXchange is impletemented using the European Cluster Collaboration Platform at GNF will soon publish more news of the start of the Green Tech – ClusterXchange program.