“Malaysian Market Insights, Characteristics and Business Culture” – Market Entry Coaching Event 24th of September
ASIA-CLEAN project provides coaching on preparing for exports to Malaysia. Coaching will be held by Nordic House. Coaching is targeted to companies who are interested to start exporting products or services to Malaysia. Time: 24th [...]
Co2mmunity Final Online Conference on 8.9.2020
After three years of successful Co2mmunity cooperation we will summarize our achievements and talk about the current status of Community Energy (CE) in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) on Online Final Conference on [...]
Webinar 27th of August: Introducing the Cata3Pult Market Watch vol. 3 – Updated content on St. Petersburg macro-region urban cleantech market
Cata3Pult-project (Finnish Russian PPP catalyzing new green business) arranges a series of webinars in order to provide updated, accurate and supportive content on St. Petersburg macro-region urban cleantech market. Webinars are based on the Market Watch [...]
Webinar: STARTING EXPORTS TO ASIA – Cleantech in China
ASIA-CLEAN project arranges a webinar “STARTING EXPORTS TO ASIA - Cleantech in China” 19th of August 13:00 Helsinki (+3:00 GMT). In the webinar CEO Tero Tulokas from Oilon Group will tell about success factors [...]
Finnish Co2mmunity RENCOP online meeting on 12.6.2020 – development stories and the way forward
We had presentations on development stories of the four different regional RENCOPs established and managed in Co2mmunity project. Also, future-oriented discussions blossomed, and agreements were achieved. A draft of the Co2mmunity RENCOP ROADMAP [...]
Full house in Malaysia – still room in China
ASIA-CLEAN project (‘ASIA-CLEAN – access & success in Northeastern Asia cleantech markets’) boosts new exports of cleantech and environmental technology products and services from Finland and Estonia to North and East China and Malaysia. [...]