Green Net Finland (GNF) has signed the statement of the Built4People network in September 2024 and thus joined this network of innovation clusters, which enables new cooperation and development project openings.
The Built4People network is a cluster bringing together innovative actors in the built environment, backed by Horizon Europe’s climate, energy and mobility clusters, ECTP (The European Construction and sustainable built environment Technology Platform) and the World Green Building Council Europe. The Built4People network covers the entire value chain of the built environment. The network will jointly develop the EU’s research and innovation programme for the built environment and ensure that EU funds are invested in projects that accelerate innovation towards sustainable and people-centred change, in particular in support of the New European Bauhaus.
Green Net Finland is an active network in the field of built environment and circular economy. GNF is together with its members (especially the Finnish Environmental Institute Sykli, Metropolia UAS, Häme UAS) has been actively involved in the development of the circular economy of construction in Finland for 8 years. The projects carried out through practical pilots have included companies related to the built environment (e.g. AINS Group, Senate, NCC, Hämeenlinnan Asunnot Oy), organisations and municipalities (e.g. AINS Group). Helsinki, Vantaa, Riihimäki, Hämeenlinna, Forssa).
At the moment, GNF is running the Digital Demolition Digital Solutions in Building Demolition project, which develops, among other things, building information models for demolition buildings and promotes the reuse of building components. In the Digital Demolition project, GNF facilitated a reference group of actors in the field. The Digital Demolition project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Previous development projects in the circular economy of construction include HYPPY and RANTA, the final reports of which can be found in GNF’s material bank.
The Built4People network and its members can be found at Network