Energize Co2mmunity – Real-life implementation of renewable community energy projects
Energize Co2mmunity project launches real-life pilot projects of renewable community energy in the Baltic Sea region. Citizens facilitate, implement and co-finance renewable energy projects from different local sources (e.g. solar, wind, biomass, geothermal). Such community energy projects are more easily accepted by society than commercial solar or wind parks and thus foster the transition towards renewable energy production. Communities from two regions pair up to learn from and to support each other. Energize Co2mmunity builds on the project Co2mmunity. More info, visit here
Project consortium
Lead partner is Kiel University (DE). Other partners are Green City Experience GmbH (DE), Heinrich-Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (DE), Municipality of Middlefart (DK), Tartu Regional Energy Agency (EST), Green Net Finland (FIN), Kaunas Regional Energy Agency (LT), Riga Planning Region (LV) and Aalto-University (FIN). Finnish Pilot is run by: GNF and Aalto University (School of Arts, Design and Architecture ). The Associated partner Municipality of Lapinjärvi is collaborating with the project.
Project duration and budget
Project duration is 10/2020 – 09/2021. Total budget is 666 658 EUR. GNF’s budget total is 99 825 EUR. The project is co-funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region -program and partly by the Municipality of Lapinjärvi.
Additional information
More info and news of the project can be obtained at the project website (Lead partner) or by contacting GNF.