
About Susanna Nuolimaa-Fere

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So far Susanna Nuolimaa-Fere has created 148 blog entries.

World Circular Economy Forum 30.-31.5.2023!

WCEF – World Circular Economy Forum – will be held at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre on 30.-31.5.2023. It's great that the international circular economy conference WCEF is returning to Helsinki. Green Net Finland will be present at the fair to present the Digipurku project together with other circular economy development projects in [...]

World Circular Economy Forum 30.-31.5.2023!2023-05-12T13:53:20+03:00

Digipurku – New project starts!

Digipurku-project starts 1st Jan 2023 and will continue until 30 June 2025. Digipurku-project aims to develop and take into use digital solutions aiming to effective and sustainable demolishing processes of buildings, particularly solutions for collecting and organizing data and communicating the information of the to-be-demolished buildings, such as their materials and the construction [...]

Digipurku – New project starts!2023-01-17T11:35:05+03:00

Cool4City project coming to the end

  Cool4City project is about Clean Green City by Smart Waste Management.   The main results of the project are four pilots implemented and analyzed in two regions of Finland - Helsinki Metropolitan area and Mikkeli region, publications describing operational and business models, as well as the final publication describing studying, analyzing and describing [...]

Cool4City project coming to the end2022-12-22T16:36:37+03:00

Household waste management in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Mikkeli Region -report is published now!

The publication Household waste management in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Mikkeli Region – operational models, practicalities and pilots is now published and available in open access in GNF's web-site here. The publication is an output of the Cool4City - Green City by Smart Waste Management - project. The project duration: March 2021 [...]

Household waste management in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Mikkeli Region -report is published now!2022-11-21T15:50:33+03:00

Business cases development in public-private partnership within three pillar green focuses – report is published!

The publication Business cases development in public-pricate partnership within three pillar green focuses is available in open access in GNF's web-site here. The publication is output from Cata3Pult project. Cata3Pult name comes from: catalysing, 3 clusters in 3 regions, 3P - public-private partnership, 3 substance focus areas. Three project partners of Cata3Pult are [...]

Business cases development in public-private partnership within three pillar green focuses – report is published!2022-11-21T16:14:17+03:00

GNF has become a member of the ECCP-platform

GNF is a partner in the Green Tech 2.0 project, where the main objective is to improve the cluster management quality, develop new services for the project member clusters and increase international collaboration by arranging cluster exchange visits in a ClusterXchange program. The purpose of the visits is to develop and innovate new opportunities [...]

GNF has become a member of the ECCP-platform2022-10-04T10:11:40+03:00
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