ASIA-CLEAN – access & success in Northeastern Asia cleantech markets
ASIA-CLEAN project boosts new exports of cleantech and environmental technology products and services from Finland and Estonia to North and East China and Malaysia. The business focus is in products and services reducing anthropogenic emission into the environment.
The project organizes business matchmaking and market sharing events for Finnish and Estonian companies focusing at our target markets. Selected companies obtain coaching and support in communication and networking with potential target market customers. The project aim is to attain good business contacts and long-term development and co-operation at the market area and to achieve market access and sales. The main target areas of ASIA-CLEAN are in particular Shangdong province and Tianjin regions (China) and Malaysia.
The project is funded by European Union’s Central Baltic Programme and it is implemented by Green Net Finland, Turku Science Park and Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol. The project duration is from April 2019 to December 2021.
You can read our news letter HERE
We encourage all cleantech and environmental tech companies and organizations from Finland and Estonia with interest and potential in co-operation and business at the target areas to join the project. Please contact one of the partners:
Green Net Finland | Ilkka Aaltio, Managing director | ilkka.aaltio@gnf.fi | +358 50 551 3633 |
Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol Ltd. | Ragmar Saksing, GreenTech sector manager | ragmar@tehnopol.ee | +372 52 54 265 |
Turku Science Park Ltd. | Olof Malmström, Senior Project Specialist | olof.malmstrom@turkubusiness region.com | +358 50 556 6517 |